Oprogramowanie BrightSign Network
The BrightSign Network is an affordable and scalable subscription-based hosted service, providing the complete infrastructure to serve and support your digital signage network. It makes delivering remote content to one or many units a breeze, and frees you from the complexities of hosting and maintaining your own network.
BrightSign Network now includes new tagging features which streamlines content management and playlist creation for highly targeted playback. Content Encryption is a new option to BrightSign Network subscriptions designed to ensure the security of content both in the cloud and on players is fully protected. All BrightSign Network accounts are user-accessible through two free applications: BrightAuthor, a free PC software application, and the BrightSign Network Web UI, a cloud-based application accessible from any browser.
Mimo dołożenia wszelkich starań, opisy i porównania produktów mogą zawierać błędy wynikające m.in. z niepoprawnych danych dostarczonych przez producenta. Za wszelkie nieprawidłowości przepraszamy i zachęcamy do zweryfikowania specyfikacji u handlowców. Zgłoś błąd w opisie.
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