systemy audiowizualne

Monitor Samsung QH55H 55

Producent: Samsung

Monitor Samsung QH55H 55
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Monitory serii QHH mogą prezentować ponad miliard kolorów przy 100-procentowej objętości kolorów i wytwarzać głęboką czerń, nieskazitelną biel i ostre barwy.


Samsung’s QLED Signage: Unlock new Growth Opportunities

As businesses seek new ways to attract audiences and improve efficiency in increasingly-crowded environments, many are turning to advanced digital signage as a way to break through the clutter. By integrating quantum dot visual refinement technology, Samsung’s QLED Signage offers these businesses an even greater competitive edge. An immersive high-quality picture creates a more memorable, attractive and buzzworthy customer experience. Beyond their external communication benefits, the QLED Signage displays additionally reinforce business branding through accurate and clean logo and color presentation. Through this diverse host of features, Samsung’s QLED Signage is the perfect addition to generate additional revenue and strengthen customer loyalty.


Showcase One Billion Colors with Optimal Precision

Through compatibility with a variety of color spectra, the QHH Series displays achieve 100 percent color volume at optimal integrity for one billion different colors. This enhanced presentation brings even the most subtle visual details forward at varying levels of brightness, and fosters more realistic content within any indoor environment. As a result, retailers and other indoor businesses reliant on true-to-life product presentation can better drive purchase intent and improve customer satisfaction.


Amplify Immersion through Enhanced Brightness and Presentation

The quantum dot integration enables Samsung’s new QLED Signage to balance light and dark brightness (600nit in landscape and 500nit in portrait) and preserve gradation for a presentation that is deeper and more realistic than that offered by conventional alternatives. Through enhanced, semiconductor-based picture refinement technology, the QHH Series displays produce deeper blacks, sharper whites and more precise colors for an eye-catching picture that pops. In turn, businesses in any environment can deliver a truly immersive and captivating viewing experience without worrying about external interference.


Deliver any Customer-Facing Content at HDR Quality

The QHH Series displays leverage HDR picture refinement technology to deliver a range of static and motion content as intended and without compromising visual quality. This includes support for both the HDR10 picture presentation standard and HDR+ technology. Through HDR10 compatibility, indoor businesses can guarantee that all featured content meets ultra-HDR guidelines and reaches customers as clearly and brightly as possible. The complementary HDR+ functionality additionally allows businesses to surpass industry limitations by converting standard definition (SDR) content to HDR quality quickly and efficiently. This flexibility grants businesses new opportunities to create high quality, HDR-ready content amplified by sharp contrast, vivid color depth and seamless streaming.

Producent monitora: Samsung
Rodzaj monitora: Wielkoformatowy
Wyświetlacz: QLED
Przekątna (cale/cm): 55
Rozmiar plamki: 0.10 x 0.31
Jasność (cd/m2): 600
Ilość wyświetlanych kolorów (mln): 1,07 biliona
Kontrast: 6000:1
Kąt widzenia (poziom/pion): 178 / 178
Czas reakcji matrycy: 6 ms
Częstotliwość pozioma: 30 ~ 81 kHz
Częstotliwość pionowa: 48 ~ 75 Hz
Rozdzielczość monitora: 3840 x 2160
Typ złączy: Display Port 1.2 (1); HDMI 2.0; HDCP2.2; HDMI #1;
Głośniki [W]: 2 x 10W
Pobór mocy: 198W
Wymiary zewnetrzne wys/szer/gł [cm]: 69,7 x 122,5 x 4,0
Waga [kg]: 17,3
Funkcje: H/W : Temperature Sensor,Pivot Display, Clock Battery(168hrs Clock Keeping), Built in Speaker(10W 2ch), Wi-Fi/BT S/W : Auto Source Switching & Recovery, LFD Home UI, Button Lock, Hot key option, Plug&Play (Initial Setting)
Mimo dołożenia wszelkich starań, opisy i porównania produktów mogą zawierać błędy wynikające z niepoprawnych danych dostarczonych przez producenta. Za wszelkie nieprawidłowości przepraszamy i zachęcamy do zweryfikowania specyfikacji u handlowców. Zgłoś błąd w opisie.

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