Ekstender Apart Audio DIPEX
Cyfrowy Extender DSO do matrycy AUDIOCONTROL12.8; moduł do nagrywania/odtwarzania komunikatów głosowych.
DIPEX is a versatile digital priority / emergency extender for use with AUDIOCONTROL12.8, easy to configure via the host's graphical installer interface. It allows you to connect message players (e.g. promotional messages in supermarkets that change on a daily basis or modern pop tunes as an alternative to the boring old fashioned school bel) or to make a connection with EVAC and alarm centrals to produce evacuation messages or alarm signals. DIPEX also allow you to paging via the telephone central or to create an overall mute contact for the AUDIOCONTROL12.8.
When the DIPEX has been triggered, the line level signal will go into the AUDIOCONTROL12.8 via the DIMIC paging bus. The priority level of DIPEX can be set between 0 and 7. The 'priority zero' makes the line level signal of the DIPEX have absolute priority, a must in case of emergencies! Priority zero is only available on the DIPEX and cannot be selected on DIMIC microphones.
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