Dystrybutor sygnału Gefen EXT-DVI-144N
Producent: Gefen
Gefen's 1:4 DVI Splitter is a distribution hub that sends the same DVI graphics source to up to four DVI digital displays (flatpanels or projectors). It is a reliable solution that accommodates four digital video displays at the same time, creating a multi-viewing environment that maintains the highest resolution video at all times.
- Connects computers with DVI video to up to four DVI monitors/projectors
- Maintains gorgeous video resolutions up to the highest DVI single link resolution of 1920 x 1200
- Supports DDWG standard for DVI monitors
- Video Amplifier Bandwidth: 165 MHz
- Input Video Signal: 1.2 volts p-p
- Input DDC Signal: 5 volts p-p (TTL)
- Single Link Range: 1920 x 1200 maximum
- DVI Connector: DVI-I 29 pin female (DVI-D digital only)
- Power Supply: 5V DC
- Power Consumption: 5 Watts (max)
- Dimensions: 17.1"W x 1.7"H x 4.2"D
- Shipping Weight: 5 lbs.
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